Tuesday, February 24, 2015

My Makeup: Organization

Hiya. This year I created an organization station for my makeup that makes 'Makeup Time' efficient, organized, and stress free.

 Everyday Makeup Basket: On the vanity counter top I keep a basket that holds the makeup I use everyday. You will find every step of my beauty routine in this basket. I will often swap things in/out of the basket throughout the week, such as blush or eyeshadow.

Makeup pot: I got this little plant pot from a gardening store, it sits beside my Everyday Makeup Basket on the counter top. It holds all of my makeup tool.

The rest of the baskets are kept in the two top drawers of my vanity. As I mentioned above, I swap things in and out of my 'everyday' basket all of the time. When I am going out, I usually pull from these other baskets because they contain more bold/fun choices :).

Eye Basket:  This basket holds all of my eye shadows, liners, eye primers, mascaras, ect.

Face Basket: This basket holds all of my powders, blushes, highlights, bronzers, creams, ect.

Lip Basket: this basket holds my liners, lipsticks, tints, and glosses. I keep all of my lip balms in my purse, as well as some of my favorite 'wear and go' colours.

Nail Polish Vase: This little vase full of my favorite nail polishes. It sits on top of my desk!

The Rules:
Many years ago, I made some rules for my makeup collection...
  1. Return it if you don't like it: You can basically return any makeup, even if you have used it, most makeup stores/ drugstores have good return policies.
  2. Throw it out If it is old: Don't hang on to that eye shadow you have had since grade 12... it is old and will probably give you an eye infection. The top thing you should always be throwing out is mascara. I go by scent, as soon as it smells different I throw it out.
  3. If you don't wear it, Throw it out: There is noooo point of hanging onto a bunch of makeup you don't like/wear. Even if it is Mac and it was expensive.... keeping it doesn't prove it was worth the money. As I hear Multiple times a day from my dear friend Elsa the singing piggy bank "Let it goooooo".
**When  I say 'throw out' I mean recycle :)***
MAC has a a program called 'Back-to-Mac". If you return 6 containers to Mac you get a free lipstick!! As you can see, I take Rule #2 and #3 serious.

My makeup collection is cut down to what I like and what I will wear. Try it! It feels so Good!

Any suggestions for which Mac lipstick I should get! I think I have enough returns for two:)

Kitten Mews: Kitten spent two hours in the garage hunting a bug. He was allll tuckered out afterwards.


  1. I've just recently done this! Your organizing looks quite refreshing :)



    My Closet Life Blog

    1. That's awesome! It feels so good to get organized! Thanks for reading! :)

  2. I love the idea of keeping your makeup or skincare in baskets, that's really clever and it looks so good and neat!

    1. Love it when things look neat! The best part is that I can make a huge makeup mess and have it cleaned up in like two minutes! :)

  3. This is just what I needed to help me get organised. I love sorting out my make up when I am doing it but it is the motivation to start doing it is what I lack. I love the idea of nail polish in a vase as mine seems to just be everywhere.

    Beth x

    1. Haha! That was exactly my problem, my lipsticks and nail polishes were all over the house! Happy Organizing! I hope it goes well for you! )
