Now, time for Game Changer Number Two!
I recently got back from Europe, and therefore had all of my liquides in a small plastic bag. I don't know what it is about me, but my bag always gets searched, so when packing I tend to be overly cautious of liquids in carry on luggage. I put ever single piece of makeup that even resembles a liquid into a clear plastic bag and take it out so they can see it when it goes through the scanner. Well usualy that isnt even good enoguh, becuase my bags are still searched! Gah! Anyways, my point is, in this scramble of trying to repack my bag with a line up behind me, I missplaced my liquieds bag... I came home and couldnt find it anywhere. I called my boyfriend the next day, who had already left for work in Saskatoon, and he informed me that he had it in his carry on by accident. He would not be home for two weeks. Now... I can always use one of the random extra foundations I have at home, heck I can even dig up an old mascara and risk an eye infection, but I can not... CAN NOT do my makeup without my Smashbox Primer! My ever so expensive... ever so new.... ever so wonderfully smooth... Smashbox primer. Lets just say my makeup was shit for the next two weeks.
Boyfriend is now home and my Primer home along with him! So hurrah for Boyfriends and hurrah for oil-free Primers!
What I wanted:
I don't know if this has happened to you before, but I used to leave the house in the morning with my makeup neatly done and then look in the mirror around lunch time and see a makeup mess. A makeup mess to me is when foundation basically melts off your face, it gets oily in certain spots, wipes off very easily, catches in dry areas and oxidizes (turns orang'ish), falls into pores or lines in your face, or just no longer has that smooth look you originally had when you left the house.
I wanted something that would make my makeup last ALL DAY, and I found it, Smashbox Primer.
I think the True Test was when I went clubbing with my friends, and at the end of the night looked into the mirror. I expected to be all sweaty from dancing up a 90's music storm, but instead I saw that my makeup was matte!
The product
This is a clear gel that fills in fine lines and pores and makes your makeup last all day. I find it very light weight and SO SMOOTH. It makes your skin ready for your foundation. I think that a good primer really gives your foundation that extra professional aspect because it looks flawless even close up.If you want to try this out without buying the full product, Sephora sells minis. You can also pick it up at Shoppers Drug Mart.
How to Use it:
I use this primer every day, and honestly can not get my final look without it. I put it on well after my moisturizer dries, and put it on a couple of minutes before my foundation. Most of the time I don't bother with moisturizer because it can mess with the evenness. I take about a pea size of the primer on my finger and dot it around my face, focusing on the nose, under eyes, cheeks, chin, and center of forehead. If you feel you have other spots that need smoothing like laugh lines or crows feet, or forehead creases, then focus on those areas as well. Then just smooth it around evenly with your fingers! So easy and such a quick step that makes a big difference!
Extra Note:
I have now tried a million different powders, and have actually settled on the cheapest one! This Rimmel Stay Matte does exactly that.
What I like about it:
I find it to be a matte dream team with the Smashbox primer. All day makeup.
It comes in a color that is pale enough for me in the winter (Translucent).
The color range has more yellow undertones, rather than pink.
Boom! There is my G.C #2! Check back tomorrow for G.C #3

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