Before I knew these methods I would either have two completely different shapes on each eye, or some rendition of the image below...
The truth is, eyeliner is so tricky because it is soo easy to mess up and difficult to fix.
Tell me if this sounds familiar. "Ok self, I am going to do my eyeliner. You've got this....There we go... almost done the one! perfect! Ok now the other eye...ok so far so good .. shoot! got off track.. will have to make it thicker...ahh but now I have to make the other one thicker... now the other is thicker than the other....---stand back from mirror to look-- damnit! One wing is longer... must fix.....shit now this one is touching my eyebrow.... Never using eyeliner again!
One bad eyeliner move can ruin it all.
I am going to talk about two easy methods.
Method #1. I touched on this method on Saturday. This method uses the tape that I sometimes use for my shadow. I've taken some pictures and I am going to describe exactly how to get a perfect line and a perfect wing. This works well with all types of liners. In the pictures I am using a gel liner that comes in in little pot by Mac, and a small makeup brush. This method is the easier of the two.
Step 1: After you have finished your eye shadow leave the tape on for your eyeliner.
Step 2: I learned this step from a Michelle Phan video. To get an even line across the lid, make dash marks along your eyelid as I have outlined in red below.
Step 3: Connect the dash marks to make an even line. This method help for those of us who have trouble making that one smooth line.

TIP: If you have a lot of trouble with lining the inside corner of the eye, try lining from the inner part of the eye for that small section. I never line the top part of this corner.... sounds complicated... I hope that makes sense.
Step 4: Now time for the easiest and probably most perfect wing you will ever do! Picking up where you left off on the outer corner of the eye follow it along the edge of the tape to your desired length.
Step 5: Do any tiny adjustments you need to make everything flow smoothly.
Step 6: My favorite part! Take off that tape!
All Done!!
Note:Handle the tape a bit before you put it on your face so that is isn't too sticky. You don't want it to be too rough with your skin.
Method #2: I hope you know your triangles, because this method uses an isosceles triangle to create a great wing. This method is perfect for when you want your liner to be a bit more dramatic. This method helps you get even shaped wings.
Step 1:Use the connect the dot method we talked about above, to get an even line across the lid.
Step 2: Following your line draw the outline of an isosceles triangle. Afterwards add in the smaller triangle. Not the best sketch, but it will do!
Step 4: Fill in the triangle with your liner and you are done!
Until next time!
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