I first met F. Scott Fitzgerald when I watched Midnight in Paris (Woody Allan). I was drawn to the energy and easy confidence of his character. Midnight in Paris quickly became my favorite movie, which led me to become obsessed with the 20s, which led me to mastering the 20s pin curl and fingerwave, which led my to Fitzgerald's bodies of work. First I read The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and then I read The Great Gatsby. Though it wasn't until today, when I started Fitzgerald's Autobiography, that I fell in love.

Lately I have been frustrated with my lack of enthusiasm to write. Where did those sparks of plot, characters, and drama go? The truth is that they were lost somewhere between now and then. Having just graduated university, my thoughts have been so focused on my schooling and my future, that these daily inspirations have simply been pushed aside.
As Fitzgerald says in the opening line of Who's Who-and Why "The history of my life is the history of the struggle between an overwhelming urge to write and a combination of circumstances bent on keeping me from it".
As I said, lost somewhere between now and then.
I am really looking forward to reading the rest of his Autobiography, for it has already given me writing advice and inspiration.

On another note!
The Great Gatsby, with Leonardo Dicaprio, is coming to theaters! My favorite actor and my favorite writer!
The 1920's atmosphere, the clothing, Gatsby, Fitzgerald, Leo! What more could I ask for!
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